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Ultra Bend Sub-30

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Storlek: 10.4 x 3.0 x 2.2 cm / 70 gram

The harp allows you to play a full chromatic
scale using the expressive bending technique.

In order to play a chromatic scale on the
normal 10 hole harmonica (Below: 10H),
you have to use difficult overblow/overdraw
techniques, which require harmonicas with
very delicate reed setup.

The new Suzuki SUB30 UltraBend changes
all that! Now you can get a chromatic scale
by normal playing using a simple bending

With the SUB30 UltraBend, you can easliy
play phrases and music styles that you gave
up on before, because you could not get
some notes.

Hardcase included.

Cover:    Chrome plated brass cover
Comb:    Plastic Comb
Weight:    70g
Size:    104x30x22mm
Case:    Plastic case

Made in Japan

1 865,- kr
Stock status: In Stock
Stock status: Not available
Stock status: N/A, please make all options first

Stock status: Not available

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Centrumvägen 26
52170 Åsarp



+46 (0)515 505 05


Butikens öppettider 

Torsdag: kl. 13.00 - 16.00      
Fredag: kl. 13.00 - 16.00    
Lördag: kl. 11.00 - 13.00    
Skulle ni vilja titta förbi en annan tid / dag som passar er bättre,
så går det säkert att ordna till !  Ring eller mejla gärna i förväg.

Åsarp ligger vid riksväg 46 mitt emellan Falköping och Ulricehamn i Västra Götaland !